Travelling with eSIM
Travelling with eSIM outside Europe.
For all countries on the website, Airport Telecom also offers eSIM. Below you will find further information on how to use eSIM in your phone.
What is an eSIM?
The eSIM does exactly the same thing as the normal sim card. The normal sim is a physical card that is inserted into the smartphone. With the eSIM, there is no physical card. The eSIM is activated by scanning a QR code with the smartphone. Scanning the QR code automatically reads the required data from the eSIM into your smartphone after which the eSIM can connect to the mobile network.
Advantages eSIM
As indicated, the eSIM does not require changing a physical card in the phone. Installation is done by scanning a QR code with your smartphone. This makes using a prepaid sim for travelling, for example, very easy. In fact, the QR code for the eSIM is sent to you by email. Even when you are already travelling, you can still contact Airport Telecom for this. The QR code for the eSIM will then be sent to you by e-mail. The eSIMs can also be upgraded remotely if necessary.
Keep your Dutch number outside Europe
Another advantage of the eSIM is that eSIM-enabled smartphones can always use multiple eSIMs at the same time. The reason for using a prepaid SIM while travelling outside Europe is the high data costs outside Europe. When you swap your Dutch SIM card for a prepaid SIM card for the destination country while travelling outside Europe, you have solved this. You will then have the low data costs of the prepaid sim card. However, you will have removed your Dutch SIM card from your smartphone and you will therefore not be reachable on your Dutch mobile phone number at that moment. With eSIM, this can be different again. Your Dutch sim card from KPN, Vodafone, etc. will then simply remain in your smartphone. The Airport Telecom eSIM for your trip outside Europe is added. In that case, you use two SIM cards in your smartphone. You set up your own Dutch SIM card of KPN, Vodafone, etc. so that you can still be reached by phone, but the data on it will be switched off. So you can still be reached outside Europe on your own Dutch number, but data no longer travels via the Dutch SIM. The prepaid eSIM will be set up in such a way that the data will run via this eSIM during your trip. This way, you benefit from favourable data costs for using WhatsApp, Facetime, Navigation, etc. etc. while still being reachable on your Dutch phone number.
Installation of the eSIM
As indicated, installing the eSIM is very simple. It is done by scanning a QR code with your smartphone. The installation then proceeds automatically.
Is my phone suitable for eSIM
More and more phones are suitable for eSIM. With brands like Samsung, it is best to look this up yourself by searching the internet for the type of your Samsung phone. With iPhone, it’s pretty straightforward. All iPhones after the iPhone X are eSIM-capable. So the iPhone X just isn’t yet. But the iPhone XS, XSMax, XR and all subsequent iPhone types are eSIM-capable.
Ordering eSIM
Ordering an eSIM for travelling is very easy via the Airport Telecom website . You pay via the website and you will receive the QR code for the eSIM by e-mail. Of course, you can always drop by the Airport Telecom shop in Schiphol Plaza. It is open seven days a week. You can also call 020-6530999.