Which SIM for Europe is the best?

Which SIM for Europe is the best?

Calls and data at favorable local European rates

For travelers from overseas like the USA, Canada, South America, and Asia who on their trip to Europe want to use their smart phone for calling and mobile data at low cost we offer a prepaid SIM card Europe. It has the benefit of having one phone number for the whole of Europe, a large data bundle as well as unlimited calls and text messages.

Why to buy a SIM card for Europe. Data roaming charges

Using your cell phone when travelling around in your home country, you do not have to worry about calling charges or data charges because the preset charges of your own provider will apply. This changes when you go to another continent such as Europe and start using your cell phone with the mobile phone subscription from your own country over there. When you do so, you need to pay roaming charges and because of that your mobile phone charges can get very high. This will be mostly visible when using mobile data for common tasks such as navigation, checking email, browsing the internet and using apps like WhatsApp or FaceTime. When doing so with your own cell phone, the costs you will have to pay to your provider can be substantial. Yet, there is a simple solution that can be applied when traveling internationally. Arriving in Europe, you can start using a local prepaid SIM card for Europe. Local SIM grants you access to networks of local European providers and allows you to use your smart phone at favorable local rates.

Where to buy prepaid sim cards for Europe

Local prepaid SIM cards are available at most airports in Europe. At Amsterdam Airport, you can buy them in Airport Telecom shop, which is located in the Arrival Hall. Show location on map

You can also order your SIM card for Europe in advance on the Airport Telecom website and to pick it up upon your arrival in Amsterdam. Free delivery to any address in the Netherlands and Belgium is possible too.

On the trip to Europe, a prepaid eSIM can be used too. A great convenience of an eSIM is that when ordered, it is sent to you by email, and it does not need to be picked up in the store. Thus, you can order it at Airport Telecom site and start your journey at any airport in Europe. More information about an eSIM is included in the article eSIM solution for using your mobile phone in Europe.